Sunday, August 25, 2013

St.Maria Maravillas of Jesus

Ø  Mother Marvillas Founded a Carmel in Kottayam, India in 1933                               
Ø  The Carmel at the Cerro de los Angeles  was the First of many Carmels established by Mother Maravillas
On 4 November 1891 in Madrid, Spain
On 11th  December 1974 in La Aldehuela monastery, Spain ,of natural causes
On 10th  May 1998 by Pope John Paul II in Rome, Italy
On 4th  May 2003 by Pope John Paul II
11th December

 Maria Maravillas Pidal was born in Madrid on 4th November 1891. She was the fourth child of Luis and Cristina Pidal. She grew up in a deeply religious setting: Catholic Spain in a devout Catholic family who were keenly interested and involved in the life of the Church. At the time of her birth her father was the Spanish Ambassador to the Vatican. Her life continued to be immersed in the political/religious situation of her country.
 Maria was a deeply religious child, energetic and intelligent. From an early age she recognized God’s call to religious life. Later she wrote, “I received the grace of vocation at the same time as the use of reason.” Having read the writings of Saint Teresa and Saint John of the Cross she felt called to join the Carmelite Order but this desire did not become reality until October 1919 when she was almost twenty-eight years old. She made her first vows in May 1920. Six years later, she was appointed prioress of the community she had established at the Cerro de los Angeles.
 The Carmel at the Cerro de los Angeles, Getafe, about 10 km (6 miles) south of Madrid, was the first of many Carmels established by Mother Maravillas. “Her role as prioress would be permanent in the various monasteries she founded throughout her life.”
In order to unite the monasteries she had established and others associated with them, Mother Maravillas obtained approval in 1972 from the Holy See to found the Association of St Teresa.
In December 1974, whilst repeating “What joy to die a Carmelite” she experienced a peaceful death in the Carmel of La Aldehuela, Madrid.
In all these works Mother Maravillas was known for her dedication for work and prayer, her humility and care of her younger sisters, and her dedication to the Rules and spirituality of the Discalced Carmelites.

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